Thursday, February 03, 2011

Standing at the plate

Life is fragile.

Love is required.

Love doesn't happen without God.

These are the thoughts running through me. But there is more than these words. How do I feel? Well the experience that came to mind when I asked myself that question is this. I am a little girl standing at the plate. I'm playing baseball with a group of friends. I am scared to death. Will I be able to hit the ball? There is a feeling that comes with that moment. You feel so vulnerable. You desire so much to succeed. You want to succeed to avoid the shame of failure. But even more than that you want to succeed to be a part of a team. To be apart of something bigger than just you. You know how great it will be if you smack that ball hard. You know how sad it will be if you swing.... and you miss.

How is all this connected. I'm not totally sure yet. But it is connected. Love is risky. It places you in a very vulnerable position. It requires faith in the God who is the source of love. Sometimes I am aware that God is calling me to love. And I fell like that little girl. Grabbing the bat in faith. Walking to the plate in faith. Standing there and waiting and praying that God will speak when it is time for us to swing and not knowing the outcome.

Jesus said, "Apart from me, you can do nothing."
Jesus said, "Follow me."

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