Monday, December 18, 2006

Happy 19th Anniversary!

On the eve of my 19th Anniversary of marriage to Dave, I am so very very grateful for our relationship. Dave really does love me. He demonstrates it all the time. School has been very demanding for me lately. He has not complained about it once. Instead he has picked up some of the responbilities that used to be mine without being asked.

Dave listens to my heart and my thoughts. When he can't take it anymore he gently tells me so. But I'm certain he gives me way more words then many women get. :)

My husband cares deeply about our friendship. He loves for me to be happy!

We both struggle, when we're being selfish, to get to a place where we can put the other one first. Neither one of us feels good for very long about putting ourselves above the other.

One of the things that makes me feel the most secure is his intentional following after our Savior.
There are a few things that drive me crazy! But the truth is that I do many more things that drive him crazy! He is always much more patient with my craziness then I am with his.

I more honored today then I was 19 years ago that Dave took me as his wife. I am exceedingly grateful for the pathway God has given us to walk together! I look forward to taking one step at a time into our future!

I love you, Dave


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