Thursday, December 13, 2007

Fun, Fun, Fun

A group of ladies got together at my friend Laura's house. We delighted in a cookie exchange and an ornament exchange. We talked, we laughed, we shared our plans for Christmas. We also shared recipes, reunited with long time friends and met new ones. Some without even realizing what they were doing, used their God given gifts to brighten the day of each one there.

Isn't it amazing how much a gift of service, a warm smile and knowing nod does for the soul?!

I've been away from this group of friends for a number of years. Today was one of those days when it was exceptionally good to be here and not just passing through town.

1 comment:

Robyn Rochelle E. said...

how FUN!!!
I baked keks (cookies) with Frau W. They are in Germany it is important to make lots of cookies and give them on a plate to friends and neighbors.
I'm not good at all their design stuff - but i liked learning! Hopefully, next year I will be better :-)
missing you - and seeing all of you in Laura's kitchen having a wonderful time. Oh the loving chatter that must have been going on. Oh the loving chatter. hummm is that English I am hearing in my mind's memories!!!!!! haha!