Sunday, March 30, 2008

Books! I like 'em a lot.

Since I did an intensive class in January, I've had a few months to read whatever. That has been a nice freedom. A thought or two on the books I've picked up:

90 Minutes in Heaven - I was a total skeptic. Then someone handed it to me. I'm glad I didn't miss this one.

Running with Horses by Eugene Peterson. I believe it has been around for a couple of decades. He reflects and interacts with the book of Jeremiah. I love Jeremiah.

What's so Amazing about Grace? by Phillip Yancey. Believe it or not I have avoided this one for some reason. I don't really even know why. I'm glad I finally got around to reading it. It was suggested in a class I am taking at church.

Love beyond Reason: Moving God's love from your head to your heart by John Ortberg. This one came out in 2001. I like the way John Ortberg writes.

Reaching for the Invisible God by Phillip Yancey. This one is tough for me. Yancey is a serious skeptic at heart. He lays that journey out there. I've been reading it because I have a couple of serious skeptics in my life. I can tend to be the other extreme. But when you measure your level of faith by how you actually live your life. All of us are skeptics on some level.

Why do I read so many books? The number one reason. Not everybody in my world wants to engage in conversation about the Lord and their walk with the Lord. With those that do our schedules often get in the way. That's sad. I really enjoy picking up a book and listening to someone else's journey. I gain new perspectives. My own are sometimes reinforced sometimes challenged.

So if you've been thinking that you'd really like to do some reading, I say go for it.

I will return to my assigned reading list! :)



Robyn Rochelle E. said...

I can't read books in english right now. i allow myself a few hours a few times a week on the blog, and with e-mail...
das ist schade.
That is too bad.
Read some for me, would ya.
Wish you were here.

Cheri said...

I'd forgotten that you don't read in English at least for now.

Do you enjoy reading your Bible in German?

Miss you too. Wish I has several bodies and limitless funds so I could be in lots of places at one time. God really has it made in that department. :)