Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A Severe Mercy

I read a book this weekend that was absolutely time well spent. It is called A Severe Mercy.

It was written by an American who became friends with C.S. Lewis while he lived in Oxford, England. The author's name is Sheldon Vanauken.

It's a love story. A love story between a man and a women. Then between a man and a women and their Creator who they learn to recognize as their Lord and Savior. Then it becomes an ongoing love story between a woman, a man and their God.

One of the reviews on the back of the book says, "...that delievers an extraordinary impact on the reader." I think that may be an understatement.

On a different note...

God has foreordanied the works
which He has called you.
He has been ahead of you
preparing the place
to which you are coming and
maniupulating all
the resources
of the universe
in order that
the work
you may do may be
a part of HIS whole
great and gracious

Poem by G. Campbell Morgan

I received this from a friend after I confessed to having a moment when I was once again getting impatient with God's sense of timing. As I was sitting there asking for God's help because I clearly needed patience and endurance from Him I suddenly began to chuckle as I had an image of God half seriously and half jokingly say to me, "You know I have a lot going on up here right now. What I want to do for you requires some cooperation on the part of a few others. Since I chosen not to override their will. I would appreicate if you would stop blaming me." :)

I have no idea if this was divine imaginiation or a coping mechanism but it did make me laugh. Maybe it put a smile on the Lord's face too. That's a fun thought.

So hears to great books, beautiful and hopeful poems and sense of humor! Cheers!

1 comment:

Dave said...

Wow I like the poem, so I will leave you with another:
Oh, the love that drew salvations plan!
Oh, the grace that brought it down to man!
Oh, the mighty gulf that GOD did span at Calvary!
-by William R. Newell