Wednesday, June 02, 2010


I've decided that from the middle of august to the middle of September is my favorite "month" of the year.

My least favorite is MAY!

I way prefer beginnings to endings.

I'm watching kids I love grow up and move on. I'm genuinely delighted about their new beginnings. Some I have known since birth. Others, I've only really known for a year or two. I love believing that God has plans for us. That He likes filling us in when it is good for us to know and we need to know. I have loved sharing all the hope that surrounds those beliefs with them.

I don't like feeling the sadness at the end of something. After "Senior Speeches" at our church on Sunday, I read a couple of very sad emails. Updates from people who are dealing with hard stuff. I walked out of my office, down the stairs and declared that no one was allowed to play a sad song or watch a sad movie or anything remotely sad was to come out of anyone's mouth for the rest of the day. Dave, knew I wasn't joking.

Friends were planning to come for dinner. I did not want to be in a funk. So I turned on a TV and watched an episode of some show remarkably similar show to Hanna Montana. As my girls in Ft. Worth would say..."Don't judge me." I went into the kitchen to help Dave with Dinner and shared with him my cure for the blues. He smiled.

Dinner was great!
May is OVER!


Heidi Day said...

Hospitality is always a good cure for anything, I have found.

Heidi Day said...

Hospitality is always a good cure for anything, I have found.

Mike Messerli said...

A smile came as I read your words. Thanks.