Friday, January 26, 2007

Freedom in Christ

Scripture says its available to us. I don't believe that perfect freedom is available to us while were here on this earth. Many people teach that it is. We just haven't worked hard enough or had enough faith to experience it. That's what some people say.

As I said I don't agree with those people. But I also don't find myself believing the group that says freedom is really for eternity. The flesh is just to powerful here for us to experience real, deep and abiding freedom. There are certainly times when I've been tempted to believe this crowd.

So why don't I believe what they have to say. There are a few reasons that I'm consciously aware of. First of all I wrestle with bondage. I have given my life over into rebellion enough in certain areas of my life that my response is automatic and even uncontrollable. I feel powerless to do anything differently then I do. But I also know that the testimonies of those who say they lived in bondage and now walk in freedom have gotten my ear. Their testimonies in combination with Scripture has caused me to explore whether or not their testimonies are true.

I picture bondage now as being 100 different jail cells. 100 may be extreme but my point is that my life is not experienced as only one unit. Some places were in bondage. Now there not. Why? Because I have believed something is true and lived in the truth. Where my soul is united with Christ on something I am free. This where freedom also comes and goes. If I have taken in information or experiences that cause me to doubt what is true I can end up locked up again. But it is also easier to remember where the key is.

So the places that are full of, I do what I don't want to do and I do them sometimes without even feeling like I have control over them and have regrets later are places where I do not choose faith in God over me, myself and I. Or I choose faith in others or things apart from God. The list of reasons why I choose myself over God are seemingly endless.

It shocking to me how blind I even am to the fact that is what is going on. I am completely dependent on God to open my eyes to my lack of faith and trust in Him.

Boy the worst parts are the ones that I value the way I think or believe and it feels like a part of me is literally dying to give up what I value and to choose God over my very comfortable, pleasure driven lies.

I've tasted enough of God changing me to believe that the pessimist on this topic should be listened to just enough for you to understand that complete freedom on every subject in every part of my being, my mind, my sould, my body, and my will wont be experienced this side of heaven. But if I allow that truth to give me permission to be complacent about being united and transformed by the grace, love and wisdom of the Trinity someone other then GOd will have won untold numbers of battles. I don't just want to be a part of winning the war. I want more than that! I want more because I have tasted of the Lord and He is GOOD.

To God alone be the glory for the great things He has done for His children.


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